Monday, July 8, 2024

#3248: Monday, July 8, 2024

Post 3248
- 14 years and 190 days since I started this blog -
Food and Diet
Today's Weight:                    203.8
Previous Weight (7/5/24):          202.3 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                    +  1.5 lbs.
Diet Comment
Between Friday and Sunday, I ate at restaurants three times. My view: I gained a half-pound (at least) every time I did that. At other times, I probably ate food that would have helped me lose weight, so my restaurant-driven gains were likely much more than what showed on the scales at the end of the weekend (this morning).
Food Log
2:45pm: Scrambled eggs with Swiss cheese, and brussels sprouts.

8:45pm: Chicken sandwich (Ezekiel 4:9 Flax sprouted grain bread) and a salad (Spring Mix, baby spinach, cabbage, grape tomatoes, ranch dressing).

11:25pm: A Quest bar, mixed nuts.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;  Coffee: 20 oz.;  Water: 72+ oz.; 

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