Friday, December 27, 2019

#2409: Friday, December 27: Greetings from LA

Post 2409
- 8 years and 361 days since I started this blog -
Aboard Delta Flight 331. Took off late, landed early. So it begins.  
(written Dec 20-21, 2019)
Read this once (it won't change for the rest of the trip(s): I'll be linking this post to Facebook. If that's how you got here, here's some background: About 9 years ago I started this blog as a food journal. I had a medical situation and needed to lose weight. Initially, that's all I did here: Journal my food intake and my weight. It contributed to helping me lose 20+% of my body weight in 6 months, and continuing has kept me on track since then. I started adding commentary after a while, but lately it has become infrequent. 
While I'm traveling, I let go of the weight-tracking and food journaling, except for the occasional food shot when I've eaten something interesting. And that's where we find ourselves now.
Thursday, December 19:  After my all-time quickest passage from Hancock in Syracuse to LAX in LA, I got to my airBnB a little after midnight. The one of my hosts who was home met me at the door, handed me the key, showed me to my room and said good night. Even though it's late for him, I'm still on NY time and it's after 3am for me, typical bed time, so that's fine. because I'm really tired from walking through airports (times three). The room is very nice and comfortable and clean and well-appointed. Since I'll be spending a total of 3 weeks in it, that's a very good thing.

My AirBnB room. Mr. Zimmerman observes from fifty-plus years ago.
It is too late to connect with Alex, who texted his good night after he heard that I'd landed safely. 

It's Friday, and I'm exhausted. And sore, from however many miles I walked through airport terminals yesterday in Syracuse, Detroit and Los Angeles, with a heavy backpack and my Steinberger bass in hand. I wonder today if I am getting too old for this. 


Alex has temporary digs these days, he's moving to a new place in January. Meanwhile, this week he's house-sitting for his boss, taking care of Emily, the mellow wonder-dog. The house is in Hollywood, and it is very nice and comfortable.

After a delicious meal (we eat and eat and eat in LA. Everything is planned and discussed over food), we visit his more permanent temporary house, a big beautiful mansion in Calabasas.

Out of respect for their privacy, no pics of the house exterior or interior, but this is Alex, in the back yard. As pretty as it is, you need to walk to the end of the property for the view of the canyon to see how beautiful it really is.`
Here's a 180º view of the above.
The other thing LA is paradise for is getting stoned. Now completely legal, we make a stop at the Weed, Alex's dispensary of choice. First things first, right? Going forward, you may assume I'm writing stoned, because I am.

In Smörgasburg, you are spoiled for choice. You could faint just from the heavenly aromas, booth to booth. 

Alex, with dumplings.
Walking out of Smörgasburg, I encountered Poison Ivy's (Batman reference) apartment building.
The contrasts of LA: Beautiful weather, lots of homeless people lining the streets downtown. This is another reason Alex doesn't go to Little Damage very often - you have to weave your way through homeless people on sidewalks that are used by them as their residence... It's heartbreaking. And it does detract from your enjoyment of this fru-fru dessert. But not enough to make that creamy deliciousness less irresistible.
Then, in case there was a single cell in me that was not completely full, we head through skid row to Little Damage, Alex's favorite ice cream in LA. He is never downtown, so only gets to go on special occasions.
Incredible ice cream at Little Damage (dark chocolate-peanut butter-banana, here). Throughout the week, LA's artisanal ice cream parlors are providing dessert, even after dessert. Don't judge me. It's a thing I do in LA.
That night, I make my acting debut in a short film about Hanukkah (the holiday is just beginning. I play an old sleepy Jewish grandfather (it's Hannukah, and about a Jewish family). I have three lines: "What?", "Who died?", and "Moses did what?". When it's edited and published, I'll put in a link. Meanwhile, trust me, I killed it! LOL. Probably not. My big debut will probably end up on the proverbial cutting room floor.

But it was fun!

In a sad coincidence, most of my LA friends are not in town this week. So it goes. I make what plans I can.

One of which is meeting the parents of Alex's friend Alex. You might recognize him as the other Alex in 'Kellerman Hates Fruit' or 'Lewis Hates Liquor'. Everybody in LA is named Alex, so they all call each other by their last name. If you hear somebody being addressed in a friendly way by their last name, their first name is Alex. Got it? It seemed a little weird to me, since this is the only place I've encountered this behavior, but now I'm used to it.

Alex's parents are incredibly nice. We have a pleasant dinner, good conversation, and then back to the manse for Hanukkah candle lighting and gift-giving.

Christmas Eve and the pot shops have sales. Alex and I want to pick up some edibles for the next day, when we're going to see 'Cats' because we think the movie will be strange and twisted. On the way to meeting Alex at the dispensary (where I will buy more pot than I can smoke in my remaining time in California, I look to my right on Santa Monica Boulevard, and see Sharon Stone driving a black Porsche Carrera. 

I don't know if it's really her, but when I first look, I don''t think, "That looks like Sharon Stone." I think, Sharon Stone is driving the car next to me. 

She escorts me to the pot shop, then drives away as if we haven't established a lasting relationship, but I think she likes me.

Christmas day Alex and I split a cannabis chocolate bar and go see 'Cats'.

I liked it a lot. As far as I can tell, I'm the only person in California who's had that reaction. Alex and all his friends are very critical. Alex doesn't seem to have liked anything about it. I can't account for this disparity. Or maybe it's the pot.

Yesterday, I got to play a little bass with the movie-scoring father of the film-maker who is having a story conference with Alex in the next room. A little 'Watermelon Man' jazz-and-bass thing. It swings. He's really good, and plays many instruments, including bass. I'm on his beautiful forty-five-year-old blonde Rickenbacker 4001 (the Sir Paul bass). Things are good.

From there, Alex and I go to Pasadena to meet my one friend who is accessible this week. On the way, I encounter a first for me: Snow in Southern California.

Snow on the mountains. I haven't mentioned it until this point, but it is cold - well, cool - in LA. I haven't been taking so many pictures because it has been mostly overcast, even rainy, the last few days. I have been caught out and gotten rained on more than once. I took this pic on the way to my friend's in Pasadena. It's unusual. I've never seen snow out here. Temps have been in the fifties, and I have no appropriate clothes (e.g.. a jacket or hoodie) with me and that's been a little inhibiting in terms of my activities. Almost as much as my jet lag. But I digress. 
My visit to Pasadena is great. I met my friend nineteen years ago, in Atlanta, and he had just started seriously dating the woman he married. Now they've moved to California, have a beautiful house and kids, and, after all this time, I finally meet her. She's pleasant, he's manic with the intensity of his career - he's a very high-powered database consultant, and he's working on cryptocurrencies. He's every bit as gregarious, but much more hyper and intense than I've known him. He's excited by all the action - a lot of government agency intrigue, too.

Alex met him about seven years ago. The three of us have a nice Irish pub dinner, and there's an open mic happening that I don't get involved with. Everybody is a 20-something singer-songwriter-guitarist. Everybody. I am none of these things.

It's Friday afternoon as I'm writing this. I've been doing some end-of-year work on my computer, Alex is writing - my visit has had a negative impact on time for that, and I completely understand that he needs to set aside some time for normal activities. So I've been on my own.

I've lounged around in bed, sleeping in, waiting for the market to close on the last Friday of 2019 (which happens at 1pm Pacific time). I have a little record-keeping to do, my investment spreadsheet to update, then, at around two, I walk a couple of blocks to Hugo's Restaurant for breakfast. It's always good, and this is the first time I've ever stayed within walking distance.

Tonight I'll see 'Dear Jerry' starring Alex's friend and film-making partner Alex Lewis. He, of Lewburger, 'Bring on the Funny' fame. I've already seen him a couple of times this week, but haven't seen the play.

Things are good. I'm having a great time. More to come. I couldn't be more grateful.

Food Comment

Breakfast at Grub: Famous for 'Crack Bacon' (their menu nomenclature, not mine. Don't do drugs). We also have some fruit, a Mediterranean scramble with fried potatoes and rye toast.
At Smörgasburg: Pastrami on artisanal sourdough bread with 'homemade' mustard. Incredible!
At Smörgasburg: Dumplings. Chicken, beef, pork with vegetables fillings. Even better than they look.
At Smörgasburg: lobster roll on fries. The lobster was as good as any I've had, and the fries weren't bad, either. A big hit! (Have I mentioned, all these foods are shared. Even I have my limits, and my eyes are bigger than my whole GI tract).
At Smörgasburg: BBQ pork belly and cole slaw. With red and green barbecue sauce. That's it - over and out. Not shown (along the way, before this, which was my last dish of the day at Smörgasburg): A 'designer' donut, and a michelada. 
At Fred'62 (no, I don't know why this restaurant is named that): Thai Cobb salad (that's a pun, son) - a cobb salad with a Thai twist that was absolutely amazing. My favorite new dish of the trip).
At Hugo's Restaurant: Papa's Pasta: Spaghetti with eggs, sausage, spinach, bacon, and other stuff too numerous to mention. Breakfast of champions. (I say that a lot).

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

#2408: Tuesday, December 17: So long, Food blog, for now

Post 2408
- 8 years and 351 days since I started this blog -

Daily Comment
The last few days have been great.

I'm busy with final prep for leaving. I'll be gone for ten-and-a-half weeks, then a couple of days at home to regroup, then another two or three weeks more before I'm home for the duration.

While that was going on, I've played a gig, had two recording sessions in different studios, sold my upright bass, and played at a couple of open mics.

My mind is scrambled (see yesterday's 'No comment' Daily Comment section for evidence).

This is the last post before I start to travel - the next post will come from LA, and will be in my travel journal format, which is like this one without the weigh-ins, and with only occasional food posts.

This year, I'm traveling with a bass, something I've never done. Well, never outside of driving places, road trips. That's somewhat daunting, but exciting!

You'll hear from me again in my run-up to Xmas and my run-up to New Year's in LA, then from Chiang Mai, Thailand, then as we celebrate my birthday back in LA, then from Cuenca. Ecuador, then from home, and then from Wilbur-by-the -Sea, FL.

It's all very exciting. I've been wishing people a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Lovely Valentine's Day, Good President's Day and Happy St. Patrick's Day. And, "See you in the Spring!"

I'm immeasurably grateful to live such adventures.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    201.9 lbs.
Previous Weight (12/17/19):        200.6 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     + 1.3 lbs.
Diet Comment
I knew this was coming at dinner - after I'd eaten out (socially) some excellent but off-plan food, and, not very hungry, I still proceeded to eat a whole lot of food after. And this is where we'll leave it until I see a scale again in March.

Food Log
5:45pm, at Sahota Palace: In reverse order: Chicken and lamb curries, a really nice saag (spinach and chick peas), vegetable soup, assorted appetizers. Too. Much. Food.


11:55pm: Avocado toast and two Quest bars.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 2;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 64+ oz.; 

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Monday, December 16, 2019

#2407: Monday, December 16: No comment

Post 2407
- 8 years and 350 days since I started this blog -

Daily Comment
I can't think of what to write - it isn't that I don't have something to say, it's that I'm feeling too scrambled and disorganized to say it.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    200.6 lbs.
Previous Weight (12/13/19):        200.4 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     + 0.2 lbs.
Diet Comment
I am astonished to have barely increased my weight over the weekend - it is implausible. I ate a lot of off-plan food and drank quite seasonably (in other words, a lot). From eating an entire jar of peanut butter (started with my peanut butter and ice cream dinner Friday night), eating a bunch of salty and sweet snacks and cake at a party Saturday, and yesterday, having a wonderful and delicious, high-carb, high-calorie, high quality feast I figured I'd gain a couple of pounds. But, no...

Food Log

8:45pm, at Euclid Restaurant:
Fried wallfish and cole slaw. Not shown: Small roll and butter, small salad with blue cheese dressing.
Vegetarian Sloppy Joe (Quorn Grounds, Wegman's Grandpa's Sauce, organic kale and spinach) on top of riced cauliflower. Not shown: a big salad (arugula, cabbage, chard, kale, spinach, shaved parmesan, walnuts, homemade mayonnaise, and a Quest bar.
Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 64+ oz.; 

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Friday, December 13, 2019

#2406: Friday, December 13: Nice start to the weekend

Post 2406
- 8 years and 347 days since I started this blog -

Daily Comment
The gig tonight with Chad Bradshaw was pleasant and over early.

Chad's performance was typical: he sang well and mostly played well, with occasional mistakes in the arrangement or rhythm, that provide Jim and I some exercise and keep us alert as we cover them up.

Jim, the drummer, was also his typical, solid, easy-to-play-with self. I always enjoy playing with him (he's the reason I take the gigs after Chad pissed me off so thoroughly).

The venue was nice: the tasting room/restaurant of a distillery that made vodka and gin. We were hired by a company for their Christmas party there, after they saw us last Saturday at another gig in the area.

I was encouraged to help myself at the taco bar, and being unable to resist free food (especially because it looked good and they had a roasted cauliflower option as one of the fillings). I also had a couple of the house's special Christmas drinks (spicy vodka with Sprite, lime, and cranberries).

The traffic on the way to the gig was terrible, and I, typically, hadn't got out of the house as early as I meant to, so was pretty frazzled on arrival. But at the end of the evening, I was feeling pretty good.
The audience enjoyed the band. I thought I played well, and had a good time doing it, too.

There were the drinks and a little smoke on the drive home, which might be why I couldn't pass my favorite Wegman's on the way home. I simply 
decided to cheat and feast on ice cream and peanut butter - the ice cream was my favorite flavor and on sale.

So it goes.

I'm grateful for life's little luxuries.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    200.4 lbs.
Previous Weight (12/11/19):        200.4 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     + 0.0 lbs.
Diet Comment
Ending the week better than it started is good. Always, but had a hunger meltdown at the gig, eating party food, and then I drank a little, and stopped off and bought forbidden food on the way home. I'll be working that off all weekend, and there are parties...

Food Log
Arugula, cabbage, chard, kale, spinach, roasted turkey breast, shaved parmesan cheese, walnuts and balsamic vinaigrette. Not shown: Avocado toast with Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grains bread.
8:05pm, at Madison County Distillery: Tacos (pork, chicken, cauliflower), and chips.

11:15pm: Just Peanuts crunchy peanut butter and Perry's Bittersweet Sinphony ice cream.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 2;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 48+ oz.; two shots of Madison County Distillery Vodka in soda.

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Thursday, December 12, 2019

#2405: Thursday, December 12: No comment

Post 2405
- 8 years and 346 days since I started this blog -

Daily Comment
I've got nothing to say, but it's okay.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    200.4 lbs.
Previous Weight (12/11/19):        199.7 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     + 0.7 lbs.
Diet Comment
Not what I was looking for, but I'm not distressed. I'm pretty sure that yesterday's lunch at the Beer Belly Deli, as good as it was, was the culprit. The potatoes, anyway. It was such a small delight... I'm still under Monday's weight and well under last Friday's - no complaints from me.

Food Log
Arugula, cabbage, chard, kale, spinach, roasted turkey breast, shaved parmesan cheese, walnuts and balsamic vinaigrette. Not shown: Avocado toast with Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grains bread.
8:45pm: A Quest bar, Greek yogurt and walnuts.

11:55pm: Salmon burger with mayonnaise, kimchi, and brussel sprouts.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water:96+ oz.; 

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

#2404: Wednesday, December 11: Future-thinking

Post 2404
- 8 years and 345 days since I started this blog -

Daily Comment
I'm giving my friends holiday greetings - from Christmas to St. Patrick's Day - as I encounter them for the last time before I leave for the Winter, which happens in a week.

I'm making to-do lists in preparation for leaving.

The anticipation is quite exciting, maybe a little disturbing, definitely distracting.

There are a few events left, as well. I have a gig on Friday, a recording session (maybe - waiting for the last participant to RSVP) Saturday, and an I am Fool dinner on Sunday.

Then I have the final things to take care of: A trip to the cleaners, laundry, cleaning out the refrigerator, general home cleaning chores.

All leading up to me packing, dropping off my car at Al's and taking off for LA.

I want all the lead-up to be over. I want to be in LA.
Instead, I'll be here, where I am, in the present.

There's tension in trying to maintain current presence when most of my thoughts are in another time and place. That's why music is so important to me. When I play, I'm in the 'now' - and time has no meaning (time, not timing).

What a delightful dilemma. I'm grateful for it all.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    199.7 lbs.
Previous Weight (12/10/19):        199.7 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 0.0 lbs.
Diet Comment
Same. That's okay.

Food Log
7:45pm: Blue-green protein smoothie with almonds, kefir, large organic egg, chia gel, kale, spinach, blueberries, whey powder (24g protein), coconut oil, hemp seeds, hemp protein (7g protein), raw organic cacao powder, moringa leaf powder, fo ti (mushroom powder), cinnamon, turmeric and stevia-inulin blend.

10:45pm, at Beer Belly Deli: Firehouse chili (all meat) and salt potatoes.

12:35am: A Quest bar.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;   Coffee: 22 oz.;  Water: 48+ oz.; Jameson's Irish whiskey

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