Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4

Post 1075, Day 35 of 2014
- 1,133 days since I started this blog -

Daily Comment
Another canceled rehearsal today, so I went to an open mic and got a lot of playing time. 

Earlier, i am Fool was rocked by disappointment when we weren't nominated for a Syracuse Area Music award, given in a dozen categories. Bands with much worse CDs, and even cover bands, got nominations, but we were passed up, and it didn't go down well with my band-mates. 

Or with me. I was certain that i am Fool's CD Freak in the Machine was worthy. Especially when I listened to some of the CDs by other bands I knew. It's a good CD. I felt hurt and angry that we didn't get the nomination we deserved.

I was surprised by my response, for two reasons: First, because I hate these awards. Second, because I didn't realize how emotionally invested I'd become in having the band get this recognition.

It took some eyes-closed deep breathing, but I got over this pretty quickly. Then I tried to understand the lessons to be learned from this.

Of course, the big lesson is not to be attached, attachment being the over-arching source of all the negative emotions I felt. Below that, there are some other ones, having to do with seeking approval, expectations of others, how self-worth is defined and so on.

I spent a few minutes contemplating these things. Then I shrugged, and went out and played pretty well at the open mic. 

 Please leave a comment if you visit my blog. Thank you!

 Food and Diet Section
January to June, 2014 Daily Weight
Today's Weight:         206.0 lbs
Previous Weight:        204.0 lbs
Day Net Loss/Gain:      + 2.0 lbs

Diet Comment
Of course, once I started eating again, I immediately had a weight gain - totally expected. Today was a good day, first to go back to regular eating since Saturday.

Food Log 

A cacao-kale-hemp-chia protein shake (almond-coconut milk, kale, a large egg, raw organic cacao powder, hemp seeds, chia seeds, whey powder (30g protein), cinnamon and stevia-inulin blend).

Pepperoni with cole slaw, and a salad of baby kale, Spring Mix, cole slaw mix, hard-boiled eggs and balsamic vinaigrette.

Cottage cheese and dark-chocolate-covered almonds.

Liquid Intake
   Coffee:  28 oz.   Water: 96+ oz.

Please leave a comment if you visit my blog. Thank you!



  1. the other side of that is we're all jerks out there.
    nobody knows what they're doing, or why.

  2. Yes. there is no logic or reason to things. Good job handling it!! Just talked (briefly) to your son to wish him happy birthday. He did not complain even though it was very early. Good boy.
