Wednesday, June 5, 2024

#3226: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Post 3226
- 14 years and 157 days since I started this blog -
June 3, 2024 - in front of Little Island Park, New York City
Food and Diet
Today's Weight:                    202.3 lbs.
Previous Weight (6/4/24):          201.7 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                    +  0.6 lbs.
Diet Comment
I'm not particularly happy that I didn't lose weight yesterday, but I know why: Breads Bakery chocolate babka. Specifically, half a whole babka. Today, when I checked, not only was my weight up, but my blood sugar was a little high. But there's no more babka, and that will make weight loss easier going forward.

Food Log
1:25pm:   Brussels sprouts with eggs, goat cheese, and chili crisp.

8:30pm, at Shifty's: Greens and beans.

11:45pm: Mixed nuts, cottage cheese, spicy pork rinds.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;  Coffee: 22 oz.;  Water: 54+ oz.; 

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