Thursday, August 1, 2019

#2314: Thursday, August 1: Choose happiness

Post 2314
- 8 years and 213 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
I was laid off from the job that brought me to Syracuse twenty-six months after I got here.

It happened two days after I'd signed to renew the lease on the townhouse I had rented.

I was sixty years old, and the idea of looking for work seemed daunting to the point of futile. Especially because I wanted to stay local, and the job market in the Syracuse area sucked even worse then than it does now (it really hasn't been good for fifty-plus years, since GE left the area.

My friend and many-times savior Al had some good advice, and did point out that I had some big advantages over the last time I was looking for work. He also offered to share his apartment with me to reduce expenses while I looked.

A couple of nights later, I had one of those dreams that stayed with me and was remembered on waking (I hadn't figured out how portentous those dreams, which occurred very rarely, actually were).

In this dream, I lived in a place where people were happy. They weren't doing anything extraordinary, just going about their day-to-day lives happy. In the dream, it was culturally accepted that you could choose to be happy. You didn't need a reason, it was a choice as much as what clothes you decided to wear.

In the dream, I knew this, knew it was taught in school, and it was a choice everybody made, and nobody ever chose to be unhappy, even in the face of negative and tragic events.

As I said, on waking, I vividly remembered the dream. And I made a decision. I wasn't going to let my situation prevent me from choosing happiness.

I was only unemployed for thirteen weeks. I found a job that turned out to be the best job ever, and the perfect last job before retirement. By the time the job started, I had joined I am Fool, my favorite band ever.

Being happy attracted happy things to me. I began to think of myself as the happiest person I knew. And the luckiest, because improbably fortunate, lucky events came my way frequently.

Looking back, that dream changed my life and my fortunes. It caused me to reevaluate my history. It began my embracing gratitude as a pillar of my thinking.

I implore everybody to choose happiness. I'm grateful to the core of my being that I have.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    201.7 lbs.
Previous Weight (7/31/19):         202.3 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 0.6 lbs.

Diet Comment
It's a loss, and that's good. I wish it were enough to move the trend line down, but it's a start. Every day is a new day.

Food Log
6:35pm: Kale and spinach with peppers, onions, eggs, chia seeds, hemp seeds and salad blend cheeses.


12:45am: Cottage cheese and walnuts, salmon burger with brussel sprouts, and a Quest bar.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 72+ oz.; 

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