Monday, August 12, 2019

#2320: Monday, August 12: Food shopping

Post 2320
- 8 years and 224 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
I do most of my food shopping at BJ's Warehouse. My secondary store is Wegman's, then the Regional Farmer's Market and Aldi's.

I get most of what I need at BJ's, though. Which means I buy in quantity. It is interesting the way that affects how I, living alone and preparing 95% of my meals in a typical week,  eat what I buy.

For one thing, it means that when I buy smoked salmon (BJ's has the all-time best prices I've ever known for smoked salmon - it is less expensive than what I bought in the '70s!), I will be eating smoked salmon every day (almost) until I've finished the package, meant to feed six people.

It also means I can keep getting my favorite salad blend - Organic Super Greens - by the box, and using it to make the really huge salads that are a regular and large part of my diet. When I talk about eating a salad at home, you have to understand, I eat out of a salad mixing bowl - what you would put in the center of the dining room table when feeding four-to-six people. It's a very high-quantity affair.

Whenever you see kale and spinach together, that's from a 4-pound bag of frozen, organic, chopped kale and spinach. I use a lot of this. It is the main ingredient in all my smoothies, I have it with eggs frequently, and it is a feature in my curry dishes.

Since my food menu isn't really all that varied - one of the things I learned when I was losing weight was that when I eat for health - which is all the time I'm eating on-plan - was that I don't need a lot of variety in my diet.

I think that is one of the things that also affects my food choices when I travel, in a kind of inverse way.

I am very grateful for the way my life-lessons, as painful as many of them are, has led me to a place where I am not very anxious about eating now.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    204.8 lbs.
Previous Weight (8/9/19):          201.0 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     + 3.8 lbs.

Diet Comment
Okay, I did this to myself. On the plus side, I just read that weight is really measuring the amount of water in your body - most of the rest of your weight doesn't really vary that much day-to-day. I think I've always known that, but reading it in plain simple language really brought it home. Nonetheless, I can see the weight on me, and I do want to take it off. Starting today.

Food Log
LEO (lox, eggs and onions) with sauteed choppee kale and spinach.

7:00pm: A Quest bar.

11:15pm: Hamburger with guacamole, a chopped salad (arugula, chard, kale, spinach, shaved paremesan, walnuts and balsamic vinaigrette), and a Quest bar.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 84+ oz.; 

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