Friday, August 16, 2019

#2324: Friday, August 16: Good times, happening

Post 2324
- 8 years and 228 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
Because a friend I made recently was going, I went a little far-afield to hear the band of another friend of mine playing.

It was in a biker bar with a tattoo parlor in the back. It was in the 'North Country', the area between Syracuse and the Canadian border, about one hundred miles.

My friend Deborah is a remarkable woman, and my friend Frank and I met her at the same time. Frank is in hot romantic pursuit, I really want her as a friend - I think she is admirable and formidable.

Anyway, except for the drummer who is new to me, I know everybody in the band, Scotty and the Rules.

I admit to being a little surprised when they invited Frank and I up to play. Except for the drummer, everybody else in the band stepped off the stage, and Frank went into a medley of rock songs, and gave me good cues.

I think it went very well. We had white people dancing, and not a single dirty look from Frank (indicating a missed cue or a wrong anticipation.

So, success.

We played for twenty minutes, and then everybody glad-handed everybody. All good.

I'm grateful for these opportunities, for the good times I never expect, that seem, these days, to show up nicely.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    201.8 lbs.
Previous Weight (8/15/19):         202.0 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 0.2 lbs.
Diet Comment
Well, I didn't get where I'd hoped to, but I lost some weight every day this week.

Food Log
2:50pm, at CoreLife Eatery:
Korean BBQ Pork: Kale, Spring Mix greens, kimchi, cucumbers, spicy broccoli, Sriracha sprouts, fried egg, slow-roasted pork, and korean bbq sauce.
8:00pm: A Quest bar.

11:45pm: Baby carrots and homemade mayonnaise, and two Quest bars.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;   Coffee: 20 oz.;  Water: 84+ oz.; Jim Beam bourbon on the rocks.

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