Friday, August 23, 2019

#2329L Friday, August 23: Weight statistics and health

Post 2329
- 8 years and 235 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
One achievement to note this year (so far): I have kept my weight fluctuation down better than any other time in the last ten years.

I have an average weight (using the year's high of 206.1 pounds, and the low of 195.9 pounds) of 201 pounds, probably the lowest average weight in the last fifteen years, definitely the lowest in the last ten years.

The variation is within +/-2.5%.

As meaningless statistics go, I like this one.

And, while eating and food preparation and selection gets a lot of attention from me, I don't feel it is obsessive. I do feel I 'have it down' and know what to do to maintain my weight.

I get compliments on my physical condition all the time, because what is wrong with me (arthritis, diabetic nerve pain, lack of flexibility) doesn't show.

But I do have those health complaints, and they are beginning to have an impact. Walking has become a challenge. On a relatively short walk, I have pain I walk through when I must, or stop walking when I can.

Still, I'm grateful for the health I have - enough to let me continue to make music and get where I need to go.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    200.3 lbs.
Previous Weight (8/22/19):         201.5 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 1.2 lbs.
Diet Comment
How's about that? Bringing it in with a nice loss. I was looking for 200, and I'm within a quarter pound? Close enough, goal met. And back under the trend line, too!

Food Log

8:00pm: Sautéed kale-spinach-cheese and eggs with onions and peppers.

11:45pm: Two Quest bars and walnuts.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 2;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 78+ oz.; Jim Beam bourbon on the rocks.

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Thank you!


  1. Do you have low back pain when you walk? That is what I get. if I just sit for a minute it goes away but comes back after walking just a little bit
