Tuesday, August 27, 2019

#2331: Tuesday, August 27: Rediscovering writing

Post 2331
- 8 years and 239 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
I have always liked to sing and I have always liked to write.

Both of these started at a very early age. Singing, as soon as I could talk. My first sung song, as far as I can remember, was Happy Trails, by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, which closed The Roy Rogers Show, my favorite TV show (when my family first got TV, in 1954).

Writing began as soon as I could. In 1st grade, I wrote a classroom newsletter. It was a lot of work, and I only did one edition, because I had no typing skills, and I couldn't get copies made. I did, however, write lots of poetry, as I recall.

The writing continued in 2nd grade, although I was not so ambitious. In 4th grade (I skipped 3rd grade), I wrote a science fiction short story. It was actually meant to be a serialized story, but I had continuity problems in the second installment, and found I had written myself into a corner, and gave up.

I continued writing over the years. In my early teens, I had a lot of correspondence going on. I liked writing letters. I am told by the recipients of those letters that they were memorable. I kind of wish even one had survived.

I also continued writing poems.

When I was sixteen, working my first job (as a mail clerk at a Wall Street accounting firm), I wrote a series of poems, including a sixteen-page epic poem. I gave it to one of the account execs who seemed to take an interest in me, and her criticism, while kind, still deflated me.

Later on, I started a novel, which was embarrassingly amateurish - that's self-criticism. It was full of cliches, run on sentences, grammar errors. For a while, that was my last attempt at fiction writing.

Which brings me to this blog. It is really my first non-work-related writing I've done, after almost forty years.

Like my singing, which I have relegated to only doing at open mics, after leaving it fallow for yes, forty years, also, writing is a rediscovered pleasure.

I fam really lucky to have some things I can do that give me joy. I know some people struggling to find things like that. Just another reason to be grateful.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    200.6 lbs.
Previous Weight (8/26/19):         200.3 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     + 0.3 lbs.
Diet Comment
I'm not going to get upset at a quarter-pound gain. That's just noise.

Food Log
4:45pm: Greens, eggs and bacon (kale, spinach, onions, peppers, 3 eggs, 3 strips uncured bacon, butter) and riced cauliflower pilaf (cauliflower, chia seeds, butter) with salsa.


11:45pm: Walnuts and cottage cheese and a Quest bar.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 2;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 84+ oz.; Jameson's Irish whiskey, neat.

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