Monday, August 19, 2019

#2325: Monday, August 19: The little things that fill my day

Post 2325
- 8 years and 231 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
Here are the things I do regularly. They're what I mean when I say I'm not doing anything when I'm not playing.

I make meals. Which you already know. I rarely make meals ahead of time, but since I'm cooking for one, there are sometimes leftovers. They still need to be prepared, though.

I spend a little time learning Spanish on the Duolingo website. That started about two weeks ago. Now that I've pretty much decided to move to Latin America, it's prudent, and Duolingo is easy and fun.

I write 3 pages in 'Write your Words', a website that exists for that singular purpose: writing 750 words (3 pages) spontaneously and privately. It seems like an excellent way to get some fresh insight. I'm not there yet - my writing tends to be overly organized, even when that isn't a necessity, or desirable.

I play many games of Sudoku. About a dozen years ago I heard it was good for mental acuity, kind of like weight-training for the brain. I got into it. Now I play online. I like my games relatively short (quick satisfaction) so I play at the medium level consistently. The web site keeps statistics and gives you points for successfully completing a puzzle, which it resets every month.

I do a quick update, or, if there's nothing to update (rare), a quick review of my finances. This is a very long-term habit - I started doing it in the late seventies, just making a budget, and knowing what my financial resources were. When,
 in the mid-80s, IBM gave me a copy of Dollar$ and $en$e, the first personal finance PC software, I got hooked on keeping track of my spending vs. income. That has been very helpful to me, and the only time I didn't do it was during my second marriage, when I only knew about some of the money and expenses. Mine.

I review my investments, including market news regarding them and other possible investments. Every day when the market is open, I update a spreadsheet I wrote to track my investments (after the close).

I check my mail, deleting everything where somebody is trying to sell me something. I read about Cuenca and Chiang Mai, I get newsletters about both. Once a week my brother sends an email designed to inform the family that he and Denie are alive. And, to check on whether that's still the case with me. It's a good thing. If I die in my apartment, nobody will know for days...

I check Facebook. I try to spend no more than ten minutes on Facebook - only things personally interesting to me get more than a glance, and I don't usually scroll my newsfeed. After I check my notifications, there isn't much I want to do on FB.

That's my everyday. It mostly takes place on the computer, mostly in bed. I do all my work in bed.

I'm grateful every day I wake up.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    201.1 lbs.
Previous Weight (8/16/19):         201.8 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 0.7 lbs.
Diet Comment
It's always a victory when I weigh less coming out of a weekend than when I went in. And look at me! Right under the trend line!

Food Log
6:10pm: Blue-green protein smoothie with almonds, kefir, large organic egg, chia gel, kale, spinach, blueberries, whey powder (24g protein), coconut oil, hemp seeds, hemp protein (7g protein), raw organic cacao powder, moringa leaf powder, fo ti (mushroom powder), cinnamon, turmeric and stevia-inulin blend.


11:45pm: Cheeseburger (Dubliner cheese, grass-fed beef, homemade mayonnaise, salsa, organic 'Super Grains' bread), buttered brussel sprouts, cheese, walnuts and homemade mayonnaise, and a Quest bar.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;   Coffee: 22 oz.;  Water: 72+ oz.;

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