Thursday, August 29, 2019

#2333: Thursday, August 29: Worry trivia

Post 2333
- 8 years and 241 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
I hate worrying about anything. Mostly because it's so useless. Also, draining. Also, it makes me feel weak.

I have worries like anybody else, but I usually deal with them better than I currently am.

The things I am worried about: My car, my computer, my band I am Fool, my plans to expatriate.

My car has turned into a money pit, and I think, for the six-thousand-plus dollars that I've put into it in the last eighteen months, it still isn't right.

My MacBook Pro is bluescreening frequently, and has to be shut down and restarted. It is erratic, and I can't identify anything specific that I'm doing that might be causing it.

I am Fool cannot perform, and is unsatisfying in rehearsals.

I have a shitload of stuff to get rid of between now and November, 2020. I am having trouble throwing stuff away, but that's what I must do.

That is a list of the things worrying me. I have left off some stuff that possibly should go on the list because I'm not thinking - therefore, not worrying - about them.

That's it. Worrying is not making a dent in resolving any of these situations, it just makes me feel bad.

I'm grateful that my worries are this few. I'm grateful for my good luck in being born white in the mid-20th-Century in the United States. That paved the way for these trivial worries.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    200.0 lbs.
Previous Weight (8/28/19):         200.8 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 0.8 lbs.
Diet Comment
Is it a double standard if I don't get upset at a quarter-pound gain, but I celebrate a three-quarter pound loss? If so, let it be.

Food Log
5:30pm: Blue-green protein smoothie with almonds, kefir, large organic egg, chia gel, kale, spinach, blueberries, whey powder (24g protein), coconut oil, hemp seeds, hemp protein (7g protein), raw organic cacao powder, moringa leaf powder, fo ti (mushroom powder), cinnamon, turmeric and stevia-inulin blend.

8:30pm: A Quest bar.

2:45am: Dal Makhtani (lentil-tomato curry) on riced cauliflower and a Quest bar.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;   Coffee: 20 oz.;  Water: 54+ oz.; two shots of Jameson's Irish whiskey.

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