Wednesday, September 25, 2019

#2351: Wednesday, September 25: A night off

Post 2351
- 8 years and 268 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
I take a bunch of pills - herbs, vitamins, a statin - to the tune of about 20 pills, twice a day (most are half-doses taken two times).

Today, one got stuck in my throat for a minute. But I could feel it after I was sure I'd washed it down. Did that ever happen to you? It isn't the first time it's happened to me.

The feeling quickly turned  to pain. I was at a rehearsal when it started spreading into a sore throat. I began feeling generally bad and feverish. I ended the rehearsal early.

I went home feeling badly, and ditched my plans for the rest of the evening (no Shifty's open mic for me).

I had some food (see below) and watched TV. I had a two-hour phone conversation with my friend Jerry, about to depart for Lake Chapala, Mexico.

More TV.

In bed before four in the morning.

No relief.
I can't help but wonder what tragedy I averted by staying home, and what wonderful thing will happen when I feel better.

Grateful to be alive and writing this post.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    199.2 lbs.
Previous Weight (9/24/19):         201.6 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 2.4 lbs.
Diet Comment
Whew! That's a big correction, to the downside.
Food Log

Vegetarian Sloppy Joe (Quorn Grounds, Wegman's Grandpa's Sauce, organic kale and spinach) on top of riced cauliflower. Not shown: a fried egg added and pepperoni.
1:25am: Bacon and guacamole sandwich (on Ezekiel 4:9 Flax sprouted grain bread) and a Quest bar with cottage cheese.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 2;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 68+ oz.;

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