Monday, September 23, 2019

#2349: Monday, September 23: Weekend update

Post 2349
- 8 years and 266 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
I had a good weekend of playing, except Saturday night I succumbed to inertia, and watched TV instead of going out and listening to two bands that I like a lot.

Friday, I was invited to sit in with a singer/guitarist who's just come on the scene the last few months. When I got there, I found out an excellent drummer would be sitting in as well.

What followed was three hours of really, really entertaining music, every bit of it improvised, as the three of us hadn't rehearsed anything - it was not the first time any of us had played with the others, but it was the first time the three of us had played together. It just clicked.

I had a good night Sunday as well, returning to the open mic at Valley Blues House, I got to play a lot of sets. One was awful, backing up a singer who just couldn't figure out how to put her voice to the songs she chose. Her set was short. But the jams that happened after were excellent.

It is so very gratifying to make music. I get totally in the moment, totally focused on the one thing I'm doing.

I smile a lot. I don't hide my enjoyment trying to show intensity. I just lay it down, hope for the best, and usually everything works out fine for me.

I also enjoy the social scene. The scene out back, everybody smoking pot and laughing.

I'm grateful for what I have.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    201.8 lbs.
Previous Weight (9/20/19):         202.3 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 0.5 lbs.
Diet Comment
A half-pound loss, a weekend? That's good news.

Food Log
6:20pm: LEO (lox, eggs and onions) on riced cauliflower with chia seeds.

10:55pm: Cottage cheese and a Quest bar.

1:05am: Vegetarian sloppy joe (Quorn Grounds, kale, spinach, Grandpa's Sauce.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 2;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 72+ oz.;

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