Wednesday, September 11, 2019

#2342: Wednesday, September 11: Going by with little notice

Post 2342
- 8 years and 254 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
By and large, I ignored the eighteenth anniversary of the events of 9/11/01.

The world changed for the worse. Very little has gotten better since, on a national and international scale.

Since, I have had some hard times, but I am very near the ninth anniversary of things turning around for me (approximately October, 2010).

Every bad experience in my life has delivered me to where I am now - a pretty good place.

I was unemployed on 9/11/01. I saw the whole thing happen on TV, because I was very involved with the stock market, and CNBCs studios were a couple of blocks from the World Trade Center. The show was live. When the first plane hit, the camera in the studio shook.

The US's terrible foreign policy had come home to roost.

I'm grateful to the first responders. On a political level, I dislike everything that's happened since. On a personal level, it didn't mean anything except travel became less exciting, more inconvenient, and, for nothing.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    201.5 lbs.
Previous Weight (9/10/19):         200.7 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     + 0.8 lbs.
Diet Comment
I expected this - I had quite a bit of off-plan food yesterday, including cake, and I haven't been sleeping well, either.

Food Log
6:15pm: Bacon and eggs with a chopped salad (arugula, chard, kale, red cabbage, spinach, shaved parmesan cheese, walnuts, balsamic vinaigrette).

9:00pm: A Quest bar.

1:05am: Dal tadka (lentil curry) and brussel sprouts, and a Quest bar.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 2;   Coffee: 0 oz.;  Water: 84+ oz.; a shot of Jameson's Irish whiskey.

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