Tuesday, September 10, 2019

#2341: Tuesday, September 10: The energy problem

Post 2341
- 8 years and 253 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
I rarely have a low-energy problem when I go out, but it happens.

I ran out of steam early tonight.

It happened hours after eating some birthday cake (a big slice) after playing some songs at Limp Lizard Liverpool (as that branch of the local BBQ chain is known).

And only a few minutes after having a shot of Jameson's, neat.

Of course, I didn't get good sleep last night, either.

And I am dealing with the psychic drain of my car situation. 

Am I getting old? Well, I am old. Usually I don't feel it like this. Usually, being out energizes me (as opposed to lying around in bed, which doesn't, or, maybe, energizes me in a different way.

It makes me a little more certain and desirous of my plans for expatriating at the end of next year, even while I hold out some hope that I am Fool will get back to form.

If I am Fool returned to viability, I would put off a permanent move out of Syracuse. This week's canceled rehearsals (due to more J illness) just slims down the odds of that happening.

My car situation also reinforces my desire to move to a place where I don't need one.

I'm just grateful that I still have the optimism to make plans.

Food and Diet 
Today's Weight:                    200.7 lbs.
Previous Weight (9/9/19):          201.7 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                     - 1.0 lbs.
Diet Comment
Great! Unfortunately, today's eating is not consistent with weight loss, or maintenance. So it goes.

Food Log
4:30pm: Bacon and eggs with riced cauliflower, sautéed greens, and chia seeds.

7:00pm, at Limp Lizard BBQ (Liverpool): Fried catfish with spicy tartar sauce, sweet potato fries, hellfire chili and cole slaw. And a big piece of birthday cake.

12:05am: Walnuts, almonds, and a Quest bar.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 2;   Coffee: 24 oz.;  Water: 70+ oz.; a shot of Jameson's Irish whiskey.

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