Wednesday, January 20, 2016

#1584, Wednesday, January 20: Sleep when I retire, reaping what I sow

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Post 1584, Day 20 of 2016
- 1,846 days since I started this blog -

Daily Comment

The recent bad weather has turned me into a coward, staying at home for fear of winter driving.

I'm embarrassed by my timidity. I have friends still holding open mics, and other friends still going, but I have been staying home. I've been a little busy, but not much. 

Mostly, I use the time that would otherwise be spent playing and hanging out with fellow musicians to sleep. I do some computer work (like this blog, Quicken, stock spreadsheets, Facebook), a little guitar practice, and watch whatever I have DVR'ed. 

Usually, I fall asleep with the TV on (that's what happened last night), wake up four or five hours later, go to bed, spend some time on the computer before I fall back asleep. But sometimes I can't, which explains me sleeping from ten until 3 in front of the TV yesterday.

It's a vicious cycle I'm hoping to break when I retire. In fact, the idea of doing that (getting six-plus hours of sleep a night) is one of the principle reasons I'm retiring.

Of course, tonight I found out the karmic consequences of my failing to show up at some of my usual open mics the last week. Who will come out to mine?

Almost nobody.

Food and Diet Section

Today's Weight:                   203.8 lbs.
Previous Weight (1/19):           202.8 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain:                   +  1.0 lbs.
Diet Comment
I expected this. Almond butter is great, but 8 ounces at midnight is too many carbs/ sugars. This is where self-control would be handy, but that would mean getting some.

Food Log

At Core Greens and Grains:
Beef broth bowl with kale, spinach, chicken, broccoli, black beans, mushrooms, red and green peppers.
A Quest bar.

Green protein shake with almond-coconut milk, kefir, extra-large organic egg, chia gel, kale, celery, whey powder (36g protein), hemp seeds, hemp protein (7g protein), raw organic cacao powder, moringa leaf powder, cinnamon, and stevia-inulin blend.

Sriracha chicken and cheese.

Liquid Intake
   Espressos: 1;  Coffee:  0 oz.;  Water: 60+ oz.; And a shot of Jameson's Irish whiskey. 

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