Friday, April 10, 2015

#1402, Thursday, April 9: Sleepless soul compromise

Post 1402, Day 99 of 2015
- 1,560 days since I started this blog -

Daily Comment

I'm so tired today. I may be getting too old for weeknight gigs that don't get me home before 2:30AM.

I arranged to take the morning off from work, but that, unfortunately didn't stop me from waking up at my usual time to go to work. Falling back asleep was less difficult, so I know I must have been tired. And I didn't sleep long enough after that.

I've written many times about my terrible sleep hygiene. Too bad. I'm living with it, because I can't think of an immediate solution that doesn't compromise my lifestyle. I've lived through a lot of negative lifestyle habits before. A lot.

And I won't stop going out at night, doing what brings me joy, and plugs me in to an inner joy. I can't see the value in anything I do being more important.

It doesn't seem complicated to me. For the next nine months, I have a day job that is very positive for me. I won't quit early, unless it somehow loses its value to me. As an avocation, I'm a musician. There is nothing new about musicians' hours interfering with the life lived among non-musicians.

Loss of sleep is a cheap price for keeping body and soul (especially soul) together.

Food and Diet Section

Today's Weight:                   207.8 lbs
Previous Weight (4/8):            208.4 lbs
Day Net Loss/Gain:                - 0.6 lbs

Diet Comment
More loss is good. This is a trend that should continue at least until the weekend.
Food Log

Herbs, greens, capicola, cheese, onions and peppers omelet. I have a new technique for making this particular dish, which I'll share: I have a two-quart cheap ceramic non-stick saucepan I heat a little, drop in some coconut oil, then add frozen peppers and onions and cover. Once the onions and peppers have cooked for a while, I fill the pan with the mixed greens I have on hand (Fresh Express Organic mixes - lately, I've been using Super Greens, today an Herbs and Greens mix), stir and cover to cook down. If I am adding meat - like today - it goes in after the greens have wilted down. Once the mix is bubbling, I add my beaten eggs, stir and cover. Then, if I am using cheese, it goes on top, the cover goes back on, and I wait until the cheese is totally melted. Turn off the heat, let it sit a few minutes. Uncover for a minute then turn over onto plate like a pineapple upside-down cake. Not really photogenic (looks like a mottled, yellow-brown disk), but delicious!

Pepperoni with celery and home-made mayonnaise.

At Dinosaur BBQ:
BBQ Rueben with cottage cheese and salad.

Liquid Intake
   Coffee:  36 oz.   Water: 68+ oz.  A glass of Sierra Nevada IPA

Please leave a comment if you visit my blog. Thank you!



  1. i don't understand how loss of sleep contributes to keeping the body and soul together. Especially, what has loss of sleep got to do with the soul? Is making music really the only source of joy in your life, or is that just your lifestyle choice? How does making music bring you joy? Is your life joyless when you are not engaged with making music? Please explain. i have learned that in my life it is not what you do, or don't do, but the awareness and consciousness when doing or not doing it. The determining factor is not the joy that you get from doing it, but the joy you bring to doing it.

    - Light - Love - Compassion -

  2. Replies
    1. That is my quick, no-mess method. I don't like its' aesthetics that much, though. You've seen what I can do with the traditional omelet form...

  3. How about bringing the same joy that you bring to music into everything that you do?

    - Light - Love - Compassion -

  4. Good points, Andy. It IS a lifestyle choice, and I'm trying to explain it above. Mild sleep deprivation is the price I pay for continuing to keep a work schedule while not sacrificing my opportunities to make music. It is the undesirable side-effect. If I ever thought lack of sleep was compromising my health, I would quit my job. One of the factors I weigh is the fact that soon I will be able to adjust my sleep schedule according to the demands of my playing. As to the joy I make vs. the joy I take, well, that's an equivalence, right? The people I play with regularly testify to drawing energy from the feeling I bring to the stage. There is not a lack of joy in my life when I'm not playing, but making ensemble music certainly seems to be a reliable to way to tap into that wellspring, and really, that's the 'goal'.

    As far as bringing the joy I bring to music into everything else, what choice do I have? Every part of me is... part of me. I am not a different person when I make music. What I really need to do is find a way to bring that awareness that comes so easily when I play into every other aspect of my life. That is a life's work, I think. I'm not done yet.

  5. Joy takes no time whatsoever.It is here,now. No matter what you do, be here now (not in your ego and not identified with thoughts) and enjoy!

    - Light - Love - Compassion -
