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Post 1587, Day 26 of 2016
- 1,852 days since I started this blog -
- 1,852 days since I started this blog -
Daily Comment
Only three days away, it seems impossible to ignore my birthday and simultaneous retirement.
Of course, I am responsible for that, having made the decision to retire on this birthday, throw a party, and publicize the event. I have friends counting down along with me for the last couple of weeks, too.
I'm not saying it is a bad thing that everything I am doing today somehow reflects a future event. It is a very near-term thing, and something that will happen if I don't die in the next three days. There are people who have to make plans around the event (at work, where the office manager is hovering, and for the friends who are performing at the party), and those people planning on attending my party.
For me, it means clearing out my cubicle, which, until today, had a full-size bookshelf full of all the technical books (95% irrelevant to my current job) that I had to pack and bring to Goodwill. That was an effort, and a fair amount of exercise. I don't like exercise.
It is an example of the future stealing from the present, something I try to avoid (except for any entertainment value it has).
But it is what it is, and I needed to escape, so I turn to music. Spent the evening at an open mic, played a bit, sang a song, didn't think about the future for a few hours, and enjoyed the time as though there were no future. There is no such thing as 'future' after all.
It only becomes a real thing when it changes into 'Now'.
Music reminds me of that.
Previous Weight (1/22): 203.4 lbs.
Net Loss/Gain: - 0.4 lbs.
Diet Comment
I managed not to eat too far off plan over the long weekend (I made it a long weekend by declaring Monday "No more working Mondays Day")!Diet Comment
A Quest bar.
At Core:
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Chicken Cobb salad (shredded kale and romaine, grilled chicken, avocado, bacon, hard-cooked egg and blue cheese dressing with a little sriracha). Not shown: A cup of beef bone broth. |
A Quest bar.
Celery with home-made mayonnaise and Shahi Rajma (red bean curry) with eggs on cauliflower.
Cheese, cole slaw and pork rinds.
Liquid Intake
Espressos: 1; Coffee: 20 oz.; Water: 80+ oz.; A shot of Tullamore Dew.
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