Post 1390, Day 76 of 2015
- 1,537 days since I started this blog -
- 1,537 days since I started this blog -
The idea that what you think about, what you visualize, becomes real (manifests) is a very old one (it's the basis of 'The Secret' which used it as a marketing phenomenon for New Age self-help pitchmen). This doesn't mean it isn't true, or that it doesn't make sense.
It seems to me that, since thought and perception are coupled so tightly (one doesn't happen without the other), it is not an impossibility that this is 'real'. I also think that it is a perceptual aberration that sees imagining, visualizing or just thinking about something as the 'cause' in a cause and effect relationship when the thought-about thing happens.
Cause and effect is a time-based relationship. The only time something happens is that elusive 'now' which actually encompasses all 'real' time, and which we human thinkers can't perceive. I believe the thought and the manifestation are, in the big picture, simultaneous things; neither coming before or after the other. Our perception, which only sees a flow time, doesn't recognize this.
So, maybe I shouldn't have been surprised about the chain of events that started at a duo gig Saturday night and will conclude tomorrow (Wednesday) night.
It began with a conversation about my forsaken quest to take up upright bass. Guitarist-singer Chad asked me what happened with that, saying he would really like an all-acoustic format at some point. I told him that, due to not being able to find a locally available and sympatico teacher, I'd given up on the idea. I didn't want to go about it in my usual 'backing into it' way, because I was a little intimidated by the instrument's physicality and didn't want to hurt myself, or waste time and money trying to figure everything out by myself. I wanted a teacher's help with buying one, setting it up, and learning how to play it properly, without injury.
He asked if I couldn't start by renting one, and I insisted I wanted to find a teacher first. But the idea, which I hadn't thought much about since last year, was now back in my head.
At one of the three open mic/jam sessions I went to Sunday, the house band had an upright bass player I knew only slightly, and had never really talked with. Chatting him up, I found out he was from Utica, and didn't know any local upright bass teachers. But he said he'd be happy to give me some help/lessons before the open mic started, if I wanted.
When I mentioned that I didn't even have an upright to practice on, he gave a little laugh. It turns out, he was thinking about selling his 'beginner' bass. He'd think about it, and call me (I gave him my card) if he decided to do it.
Yesterday he sent me a text with details about the instrument, and I texted him back I was good to go.
I'm going to the bank today, and will drive out to Utica after work tomorrow to complete the deal (and get my first lesson, while I'm there).
Funny how some things work out. Of course, that's just a perception which means its just an illusion.
Still, funny. And nice.
Previous Weight (3/16): 208.8 lbs
Day Net Loss/Gain: - 0.4 lbs
Diet Comment
This small step in the right direction was erased in St. Patrick's day indulgences. Diet Comment
Two Quest bars.
![]() |
Salmon salad (Wild Alaska pink salmon, celery, mayonnaise) on baby kale, baby spinach, chardand cole slaw mix. |
Pepperoni and eggs with cole slaw.
Dinner 2
At Funk'n'Waffles:
Reuben waffle (pumpernickel rye waffle with corned beef, swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Russian dressing). |
Two Quest bars.
Liquid Intake
Coffee: 28 oz. Water: 116+ oz. Irish whiskey - multi-shots
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